Avoiding Crisis

100 things

with 6 comments

Well, since I did jump on the blog bandwagon I figure why not embrace it fully. Even if it means partaking in what may be one of the most over done postings – 100 things about me and/or my life.

Who started this crazy exercise? Anyhoo…here goes…

  1. I was born and raised in New York
  2. Rockland County to be exact.
  3. I lived in Manhattan for 3 years
  4. I moved to Washington, DC after graduating from college
  5. I bought a house in Northern Virginia when I was 23 and sold that house last year
  6. I’ve been married for 5 years
  7. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina
  8. I used to live in Lima, Peru
  9. I will move again in 18 months
  10. I want to live in Africa some day
  11. I don’t really have a desire to live in Western Europe
  12. I don’t want to return to living in the United States just yet
  13. My husband works for the U.S. Government
  14. We travel and live overseas because of his job
  15. I don’t have a job
  16. I’m a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom)
  17. I have two children
  18. Abigail is 4 and Owen is 2
  19. I’ve liked the name Abigail ever since I learned about Abigail Adams in an American history class.
  20. Abbey speaks English and Spanish, Owen doesn’t speak (at least not yet)
  21. but i think it’s pretty amazing that he can recognize and say all the letters in the alpahabet
  22. I have two brothers
  23. I’m a fraternal twin
  24. My name would have been Jennifer had my twin brother been a girl
  25. His name would have been Nicole had he been a girl
  26. Had I been a boy my name would have been Andrew
  27. I’ve always liked the name Andrew and all nicknames associated with it
  28. I don’t like being called Nicky and/or Nick or any other shortened version of Nicole
  29. Only my father can call me those names; and maybe my friend Michelle 🙂
  30. I was born 13 minutes after my brother
  31. I was breech
  32. The doctors had to turn me around
  33. My twin brother’s name is Mark
  34. Mark is gay
  35. He just got “married” in Wisconsin. And no, gay marriage is not legal in Wisconsin
  36. I’m okay with the fact that he’s gay
  37. I’m not okay with how he told me that he was gay
  38. When I was visiting him in Washington, DC during our junior year of college I asked him who he was on the phone with and he said it was his boyfriend and that we were having lunch with him tomorrow right before I was to get on the train back to NY
  39. I told my parents my brother was gay
  40. Once he came home from college to visit and he left on his bed a book on how to tell your parents your gay
  41. When my brother went to the airport I gave the book to my mom
  42. She thought it was about me
  43. She was okay with that
  44. She cried when she found out it was my brother
  45. I’ve been to a gay club
  46. I didn’t like the club
  47. I didn’t like the fact that no one was looking at me – not good for someone with low self esteem
  48. I used to have short hair
  49. Now my hair is long
  50. I feel sexier with long hair
  51. I have two Siberian huskies
  52. I used to be terrified of dogs
  53. I’m obsessed with sudukos and crossword puzzles
  54. My parents introduced me to sudukos
  55. My mother-in-law bought be a suduko book for Christmas. It’s addicting
  56. I started doing the NYT crossword puzzles to get through a Intro to Microeconomics class at Barnard
  57. I graduated from Barnard College in 1999
  58. I graduated summa cum laude, phi beta kappa and with departmental honors
  59. I’m proud of myself for that
  60. I was a big nerd
  61. I was good at college; I miss being good at something
  62. I transferred to Barnard sophomore year
  63. I went to Ursinus College freshman year
  64. I probably chose to go to Ursinus because my parents didn’t want me to
  65. They wanted me to go to Syracuse University
  66. I didn’t fit in at Ursinus. It was way too preppy and conservative.
  67. I drank too much to get through freshman year
  68. I pledged a sorority at Columbia University. I deactivated within 6 months
  69. I attended AA meetings for a about 5 months
  70. I stayed sober for an entire year
  71. I didn’t drink on my 21st birthday
  72. I only drink wine and beer now
  73. I am particularly fond of the Argentine malbec wine
  74. I love living in Buenos Aires
  75. I speak spanish (though not as fluently as I would like to)
  76. On some days I speak more Spanish then English
  77. I feel very accomplished when I do this
  78. I was in a bicycle accident when I was 13
  79. I have scars on my knees that are black because of the pavement that I slid across
  80. I’ve never gotten back on a bicycle
  81. My daughter is learning to ride a bike
  82. I would like to complete a triathlon
  83. I need to get over my fear of riding a bike
  84. I recently ran a 10K race
  85. I finished in 1 hour 3 minutes
  86. When I was in high school I played field hockey and softball
  87. I was pretty good at field hockey
  88. I hated high school
  89. I hated myself in high school
  90. I had a big nose in high school
  91. People called me “nostrils” – that wasn’t very nice of them
  92. In elementary school a kid that went by the nickname “Moose” made me cry on more than one occasion because he made fun of my nose – something about being able to fit peanut M&Ms up my nostrils (stop laughing…it’s NOT funny!)
  93. I had to have surgery on my nose when I was in college (for reasons other than cosmetic)
  94. It was a good excuse to have it cosmetically altered as well
  95. I still don’t like my nose
  96. I had a tumor removed from my neck 5 years ago
  97. It was a pleomorphic adenoma
  98. I used to suffer from panic attacks
  99. I take Zoloft
  100. I don’t have panic attacks anymore

Written by nicolemarie

January 26, 2007 at 3:42 pm

6 Responses

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  1. Congrats on accomplishing your 100 Things list! I did mine eons ago, so it feels pretty dated. This is why I often do a 10 Things list, as an addendum to the original 100. It’s hard to fathom that I am encapsulated by only 100 things. I mean, we’re evolving and changing all the time. Hence the constant list making!


    January 26, 2007 at 5:06 pm

  2. Could it be that you no longer have panic attacks anymore because you no longer live in New York? Do you think there is a correlation?


    January 26, 2007 at 10:08 pm

  3. Panic Away Now

    This helped me out of those DARK PLACES.

    Panic Portal

    August 6, 2007 at 9:13 am

  4. Panic Away Fast

    This helped me out of those DARK PLACES.

    Panic Away News

    August 6, 2007 at 10:12 pm

  5. Just going through your archives here, and thought I’d de-lurk myself.

    Great blog!

    abigail road

    September 10, 2007 at 2:28 pm

  6. Abigail

    (what a great name! it’s my daughter’s as well)

    thanks for de-lurking, nice to know who’s all reading this stuff. hope you stick around.



    September 10, 2007 at 2:43 pm

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