Avoiding Crisis

Posts Tagged ‘songs

hop, hop, hop and the hokey pokey

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So this is well overdue seeing how it took place back in November and all. Still, it’s too darn adorable not to post. And while I play blog catch up for the past few weeks that I’ve been MIA there will probably be a few more of these types of post – you know, the ones where I act like a proud mother and show off my kids.

The following videos are from Owen’s preschool concert. In the first two clips he’s on the far left hand side and in the last one he’s in the middle of the screen.

and YES it took every inch of self control not to run up to the stage and rip that gosh darn frog hood off his adorable little noggin.  But I was laughing the entire time.

next up: Abbey’s dance recitals

Written by nicolemarie

December 11, 2007 at 11:28 am

Posted in crazy kids, video

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